We are experiencing a very nostalgic feeling, as we are preparing to leave South Island in another day. This feeling will definitely linger as long as it can take to blow away, as we had really seen many spectacular and breathtaking landscapes and met some really fantastic people along our journey. You know you belong to the fantastic group and had made an impact on our life, as you are reading this post.
These 4 months or so had been really smooth sailing most of the time, with some bumpy problems along the way which got solved along the way too :) We are so reluctant to leave, yet still excited about how much North Island can be different and unique from South. You definitely need comparison before you can determine which is more memorable.
Having said that, it's time to continue finishing up my lunch off Kenepuru Heads. Last note, we are not missing in action. We are just enjoying every single moment and thus little time left to blog it down. Apologies to our "fans". Haha.
Let's stay tune and give our support to some of the best posts coming up, from our author, Clover :P
Signing off, nireyor - Roy
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