Thank you Joanne and Thiam for the sketchcard. It is simply well done. I have love cards and written stuff by nature, well they speak of the sincerity the giver gives. That will be placed on visible grounds when we get our transport!
Thank you Robin for the wonderferocious gift of life and death - the insurance policy for my adventure. When I first saw it on the bus to KL, my tear dropped. Haven't been tearing for a rather long period of time, but ya, you did successfully make me cried. Why? Simple. I was touched to the max.
You know, I had never believe in insurance, but somehow, I thought we might need this time, since its a rather long travel. After knowing the price, I had wanted to just buy for her, not for myself (I am a scrooge and I know it). Robin knows what I am thinking of, and did it just right. It might be a mere caring thought to many, but that really mean a lot to me. Not that I think that something might happened to us there, but its a kind of, insurance? Haha.
Being a responsible traveller completes your start to an adventure :)