Wednesday, 20 June 2012

15th June @ Temuka town exploration

We woke up at our usual timing and decided to explore Temuka town before going back to Pleasant Point.

It's a lovely little town which is not that complex. It's slightly more commercialised here compared to Geraldine. Not that bad for Linus since there are a lot of antique shops!

We even visited the SPCA store and asked for directions to visit the SPCA kennels! Looks like we will be heading there in a while!

And this is the first time my caravan's tyre got chalk marked! Have you ever wondered how they check on parking in New Zealand when there are parking signs that writes 60-->? It means parking here permitted for 60mins and what they do is that the checker will chalk mark you on the front tyre. If you haven't move your vehicle by then, you will get a summon ticket!


  1. Chalked-marked! Learnt something new! Now I know how does limited hrs parking works, tks!

  2. Isn't that fascinating that they work this way, and even remembering the Macdonalds drive thru?

    I wouldn't have believe myself if I don't experience it myself!
