We began as a tourist, excited to be in New Zealand and went from one Place Of Interest (POI) to another continuously. So 'kiasu'*
After 10 days 'trip', we were slowing down the pace. Or maybe it was a break instead. Anyway, the fact is we were used to having trips previously which were just few days, now we have 180-270 days! What's the hurry?! Haha...And that's when we found the town Geraldine and decided it's a nice town to stay for a few nights.
Geraldine is like Ipoh- not too crowded, it has good quality shops, country like cinema, a medium size supermarket that sells sufficient varieties of groceries and lovely folks.
Now we are in low gear, taking things slower and easier. And maybe we'll start work or try out wwoofing*!
*'Kiasu': a word in Hokkien (one of the Chinese dialects), 'kia' means scared or afraid of, 'su' means lose. As a whole word it means one person afraid to lose out.
*wwoofing: WWOOF is an acronym for Willing Workers on Organic Farms. It also means that working in exchange for accommodation. Work could be such as gardening, farm work, anything the host may require wwoofer to complete. Usually job scope will be mentioned before both party confirms.
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